The Florida Department of Health Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU)
Smoking Marijuana / Flower Orders: The DOH recently changed the way physicians need to enter all flower orders. Dr. Davis is trying to update all orders, but you should check your order on your OMMU Patient Profile or E-mail our office.
PATIENT I.D. CARDS - Applying for your Florida Medical Marijuana Patient I.D.? Click here for information.
DISPENSARIES / LICENSED FL CANNABIS GROWERS - Read about the licensed FL marijuana growing companies and see their increasing variety and quality of products.
Dr. Davis in the Media
Watch this January 2019 WCJB Channel 20 ABC news segment featuring Dr. Davis: Gov. DeSantis wants ban on smokable medical marijuana lifted, NCFL reacts
Read a June 2018 Gainesville Sun piece entitled No Easy Path to Obtain Medical Cannabis
Read a June 2018 Gainesville Sun piece entitled Marine Vet Signs On for Medical Cannabis
Read an August 2017 article published by the Gainesville Sun, entitled Local medical marijuana business slowly heats up, featuring Dr. Justin Davis.
Read a September 2016 article published by, entitled Pot ‘Works Effectively As A Medicine,’ Says Gainesville’s First Marijuana Doc, that interviews Dr. Davis.
Read a September 2016 article written by Dr. Davis entitled 'Doctors Choose Optimism Despite Warning Signs' published in South Florida Hospital News /
Read a January 2016 Gainesville Sun article that mentions Dr. Justin Davis, entitled Farm grows first of Alachua County's medical cannabis.
Please fax Medical Records to: 415-872-0560
Patient I.D. Cards (updated 6/5/18)
A physician must add the patient to the state Registry before the patient can apply for their ID card. The State must conditionally approve a patient's application before a dispensary will sell marijuana / cannabis medicine to the patient. Be sure to DESIGNATE a CAREGIVER if you would like someone to act on your behalf for purchasing or receiving deliveries of medical cannabis products.
Issues with your ID card? Contact the Office of Medical Marijuana Use (formerly OCU):
Office of Medical Marijuana Use
Patient Login - View your medical cannabis orders, renew your ID, view your application status
ID Application for Medical Marijuana patients in Florida. Online applications are processed faster than paper applications.
To apply for your state I.D., Our doctor will pre-qualify you and add you to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use Patient Registry. You should soon receive an automated Email (possibly from - check your junk mail folder) from the State with an application link, and another Email with your temporary password. Use the that link, the Email address you gave our office, and the temporary password to access your profile and complete your ID application.
Please remember that the Marijuana Patient ID's are through the FLDOH. Our office does not have information pertaining to the status of ID applications or renewals. Believe us, we'd tell you if we knew! Patients are currently reporting that the state is taking an average of 4 weeks to approve or renew IDs, and weeks or possibly months more to print and mail them.
Log on to the Medical Marijuana Use Registry: to complete your ID application, view your application status, and see information about your medical marijuana orders.
One Patient's Experience
Read The Endocannabinoid System and Therapeutic Use of Medical Cannabis, THC and CBD, written by medical marijuana / cannabis patient, Cynthia Lan Sears, MS, CHES, CLEC. The article is linked on our site with her permission to use as a resource for other patients navigating their way through medical marijuana / cannabis treatment in Florida and elsewhere.
Who is Growing & Dispensing Florida's Medical Marijuana / Cannabis?
The Florida Department of Health has approved several licensed cannabis cultivators / dispensing organizations to process and dispense low-THC cannabis, medical cannabis, and derivative products to patients.
List of Dispensary Locations by City
Florida Licensed Cannabis Dispensing organizations:
Acreage Florida -
AltMed / MÜV -, 941-702-9955 - Product Catalog (updated 8/22/18)
Bill's Nursery
Cannabis Cures Investments
Columbia Care Florida - - 800-714-9215
Curaleaf / Costa Nursery Farms (formerly Modern Health Concepts - Miami-Dade County) - 877-303-0741,
Deleon's Bromeliads
Dewar Nurseries
Fluent (formerly Knox Nursery - Orange County) - 833-735-8368 -
Green Owl Pharms
GrowHealthy / McCrory’s Sunny Hill, Agri-Starts, Peckett’s and Eve’s nurseries (Polk County) - 800.619.5288,
GTI / Rise Dispensaries - - 305-306-8772
Harvest - - 407-693-0490
Hart's Plant Nursery
Keith St. Germain Nursery Farms
Liberty Health Sciences / Aphria / Chestnut Hill Tree Farm (formerly CHT Medical - Alachua County) - 833.254.4877, - Product Catalog (updated 8/22/18)
MedMen - - 786-288-3145
Perkin's Nursery
Redland Nursery
Remeny Wellness - 352-720-0888,
Spring Oaks Greenhouses
Surterra Wellness / Alpha Foliage (Hillsborough County) - 850-391-5455,
The Green Solution / Wyndham Growers (Alachua County - Grandiflora + San Felasco Nurseries) - 800-429-1987,
3 Boys Farm - 813-635-1909
Tree King-Tree Farm
Trulieve / Hackney Nursery (Gadsden County) - 844-TRULIEV (844-878-5438),
Vidacann - 800-977-1686,
Florida Department of Health
Medical Marijuana Qualified Ordering Physician Search
Practitioner Verification (all Florida physicians)
FLDOH Office of Medical Marijuana Use (OMMU)
Medical Cannabis Fact Sheet (information on medical cannabis / marijuana)
FAQs from the FL DOH OMMU
You might be eligible for a medical marijuana / cannabis Recommendation if you have a chronic form of any of the following conditions or associated symptoms:
ALS (Lou Gehrig's)
Back Pain
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Lyme Disease
Migraine Headaches
MS (Multiple Sclerosis)
Muscle Spams
Muscular Dystrophy
Late Stage Care (Terminal Diagnosis or equivalent symptoms)
Multiple Sclerosis
Nausea (chronic and severe)
Neurological Disorders
Pain (chronic and severe)
Parkinson's Disease
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Sickle Cell Anemia
Vomiting Syndrome
Other autoimmune disease
Other mental condition
This is not a pain clinic and we do not sell any products or dispense any medicine. We are a family-run primary care practice focusing on treating those who have tried or considered other treatments for their chronic condition, and would like to try marijuana as medicine.
FL Board of Medicine to block MMJ access!
Visit to sign our petition and learn more about telemedicine practices.
On April 6, the Board of Medicine will meet in Ft. Lauderdale to discuss prohibiting the use of telemedicine - remote treatment via telecommunications technology (phone / video call) - which would require patients to drive to their doctor, wait in a waiting room, and pay higher fees and other associated costs. As we have patients who live all over the state of Florida who have limited mobility and financial resources, we feel that this new law would greatly limit patient access to needed medicine. Read more about the Boar'd telemedicine meeting here.
What does Florida law say?
We Passed Amendment 2, but The Fight Is Not Over!
Amendment 2 passed with the November 2016 vote with over 70% approval. This Amendment greatly expanded conditions that the state would allow for medical marijuana / cannabis treatment, as well as gave physicians the ability to use their judgement in ordering MMJ for:
"other debilitating medical conditions of the same kind or class as or comparable to those enumerated, and for which a physician believes that the medical use of marijuana would likely outweigh the potential health risks for a patient."
However, the State has suggested to ignore this language and instead let the Board of Medicine decide which conditions do and do not qualify for treatment. Read this article in the Orlando Sentinel from Jan 18, 2017, for more discussion on this topic.
How Do I Take Medical Marijuana / Cannabis?
The state of Florida currently approves the following methods:
Capsules: product is suspended in oil in a capsule
Oral syringe: place the oil under the tongue, on a cracker, or fill empty capsules
Vaporizer pen: inhale the product but not carcinogens
Tincture: squeeze drops from a dispenser bulb under the tongue
Visit the dispensary websites for explanations of various forms and their advantages, and contact the dispensaries directly for specific product information and prices.
Every Vote Counts!
Florida residents, no matter your affiliation, please Register To Vote now. And then Go Vote! Don't forget that absentee ballots are an option for all voters; contact your local election office to request one.
Your vote is important. In 2014 the law that would have provided patients with more widespread access to medical marijuana, while gaining a 58% approval by voters, needed merely an additional 2% to become law.
On November 8th, 2016, Florida residents will vote on a newer version of this proposal for the legalization of medical marijuana that would grant access to a wider patient population.
Rules for Doctors treating Patients with Medical Marijuana
A Florida physician is authorized to order low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis, only if the physician:
Holds an active, unrestricted license as a physician or an osteopathic physician
Has successfully completed the Florida Medical Association course and examination.
Has determined that the risks of treating the patient with low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis / medical marijuana are reasonable in light of the potential benefit to the patient
Registers as the orderer of low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis for the named patient on the Compassionate Use Registry
May not prescribe more than a 70-day supply with each prescription
Maintains a patient treatment plan that includes the dose, route of administration, planned duration and monitoring of the patient’s symptoms and other indicators of tolerance or reaction to the low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis
Submits the patient treatment plan quarterly to the University of Florida College of Pharmacy for research on the safety and efficacy of low-THC cannabis and medical cannabis
Obtains the voluntary, written informed consent of the patient or the patient’s legal representative/guardian to treatment with medical marijuana
Source: 'Cannabis Cultivation Quest Becoming Reality For Florida Nurseries' (Click to read)
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Rehab, Treatment & Recovery Resources in Florida - Guide providing comprehensive information on topics like care options, financial support, and free resources available in Florida.